3DS デビルサマナーソウルハッカーズ ブレイブリーデフォルト ファンタジーライフ
3DS ドラゴンクエスト7エデンの戦士たち マリオ&ルイージRPG4 妖怪ウォッチ
3DS ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2 ヒーローバンク ペルソナQ
3DS ポケットモンスター FFエクスプローラーズ テイルズオブザワールド
3DS ゼノブレイド ステラグロウ 世界樹と不思議のダンジョン
3DS ドラゴンクエスト8 妖怪ウォッチバスターズ ポケモン超不思議のダンジョン
3DS 真・女神転生4ファイナル 妖怪三国志 パズドラクロス ドラゴンボールフュージョンズ
3DS ドラゴンクエスト11 アライアンス・アライブ ラジアントヒストリア エバーオアシス

3DS RPG Release date-July 2012 13cases

Tales of the abyss

30th June 2011 Bandai Namco Entertainment
Amazon review 150cases 4.4star
「I give it 5 stars because I liked it, but I can easily understand why some people disliked it or found it unpleasant.」「Not recommended for those who don't like preachy RPGs, but for those mentioned above, or for those who tend to think things through in depth.」

Ken to Maho to Gakuen mono 3D

7th July 2011 Acquire
Amazon review 15cases 3star
「The storyline is quite light and loose, with a comparatively large weight given to gag development. Tentatively, there are serious the deployment, basically, the story progresses bright.」「There are't almost necessity 3D, but it is the best to play for handheld game machine. If people who like raising the character, I might recommend.」

アンチェインブレイズ レクス
Unchain Blaze Rex

July 14th 2011 furyu
Amazon review 18cases 4.1star
「This is orthodox dungeon RPG. There are involvement element for accepting quest, can get skill you like, make friends monsters.
When you join a monster, it is treated like an equipment that you set on your character instead of fighting with it.」

Devil Survivor Overclock

September 1st 2011 Atlas
Amazon review 65cases 3.8star
「If you see as the soft of one, it is almost nothing to complaint, I recommend it for not played!」「Did I think the style of forcible fighting in the early, it's getting interesting to be able to do skill crack.」

Monster Hunter 3G

December 10th 2011 CAPCOM
Amazon revew 611cases 3.7star
「Underwater expedition is very fresh, and healed. Before I bought it, I honestly wondered if it would be much of a replacement for the 3rd? I thought it would not be so different from the 3rd game, but I was surprised to see that the depths of the isolated islands are submerged, the submerged foressts are submerged , and so on! It's good that the sense of adventure had increased.」

Beyond the Labyrinth

January 19th 2012 Konami
Amazon review 63cases 3.5star
「Combat is turn-based, and the player fights using his or her head to figure out the order of attacks, the girl's defenses, and factors such as the release and absorption of HP. This battle is very interesting. Even the small fry battles on the NORMAL difficulty level are quite a struggle, and those who feel that the easy games that can be won by simply hitting buttons, which are so common these days, are not enough for them will enjoy this game. The graphics are beautiful, and I was surprised at the truth that I was able to peruse as I progressed through the game while being soothed by the innocence of the girls.」

Girls RPG Cinderella life

March 8th 2012 Level Five
Amazon review 24cases 4.1star
「As in RPGs, combat = customer service, and there is little penalty for making the wrong choice in such cases. Moreover, damage to the opponent = good feeling, and the overall impression is positive. The storyline is also soothing with Leo Morimoto's unique narration. In layman's terms, you are a cabaret girl serving customers, and that's all there is to it. The game is not suitable for those who are not comfortable with talking to customers (those who want to argue back to them).」

King dom Herts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]

March 29th 2012 SQUARE ENIX
Amazon review 233cases 3.6star
「It is the most interesting about face of action in the series. You involve the enemies and kick while you grab the pole in the stage. Exhiralation is the highest.It's exhilarating to grab poles around the stage and kick the crap out of enemies, grab large enemies and spin them around, etc." I feel like you have to have played the previous games to fully enjoy this one." I'm still at the beginning of the game and it's only the third world, but by the time I get to this point, the frequent tutorials and recollection scenes have left my head in a state of confusion.」「In 1, I only had a hard time or not with Sephiroth in FM, but with the armored man in 2 and Vanitas' thoughts in BbS, I was exhausted with enemies that I personally found impossible to deal with.」

ファイアーエムブレム 覚醒
Fire Emblem Awakening

April 19th 2012 Nintendo
Amazon review 529cases 3.9star
My unit of my own making (as the basis of the story) is firmly involved in the flow of the story, and it is very easy to get emotionally involved in the story. The graphics are beautiful. In particular, the 3D stereoscopic view and the quality of the animation movies are excellent. However, the main story is not so good. (The story, the system, and the difficulty level. It is very easy to play, easy to understand, and created with a high degree of freedom, and I think this is a very high level of perfection. But was FE a game like that?"

ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ テリーのワンダーランド3D
Dragon Quest Monsters Wonder Land of Terry 3D

May 31th 2012 SQUARE ENIX
Amazon review 264cases 3.8star
「まず注意しておきたいのは、システムの面で見れば、今作はまぎれもなく『ジョーカー』シリーズであるということ。 つまり『テリーのワンダーランド』のリメイクとはいえ、ゲーム性はオリジナルとかなり異なります。「テリーにはドハマリしたがジョーカーのシステムには馴染めなかった」という方も、おそらく避けておいたほうがいいでしょう。」「良作だが、不満点も多い」

World Tree Labyrinth4 Legendary Giant

July 5th 2012 Atlas
Amazon review 150cases 4.3star
「戦闘やキャラビルドも勿論楽しいのですが、個人的にはやはり地図作成です。」「ストーリーは王道だけど安心して楽しめた。 購入前は地図を描くのが大変そうだ思ってたけど遊んでみると描く作業がとても楽しい。」「難しいけどストレスがない」

Cardboard Senki Blast Boost

July 5th 2012 Level Five
Amazon review 48cases 3.8star

Rune Factory 4

July 19th 2012 Marvelous
Amazon review 208cases 4star
「マビノギやスカイリムのように、鍛えたスキルや生産などによってキャラクターのステータスを底上げしつつメインストーリーを攻略をするゲームなので そういうのが好きな方に◎」「クリアしてしまうのがもったいないくらい面白い。自分の部屋を広げ、家具を配置する楽しみ。 畑をどんどん広げていき、仲間にしたモンスターを働かせるのは、ちょっとした経営者気分。 武器、防具、アクセサリー、農具、薬品、食事。 作って、使って、プレゼントして、自分のお店で売ってみたり。」

3DS デビルサマナーソウルハッカーズ ブレイブリーデフォルト ファンタジーライフ
3DS ドラゴンクエスト7エデンの戦士たち マリオ&ルイージRPG4 妖怪ウォッチ
3DS ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2 ヒーローバンク ペルソナQ
3DS ポケットモンスター FFエクスプローラーズ テイルズオブザワールド
3DS ゼノブレイド ステラグロウ 世界樹と不思議のダンジョン
3DS ドラゴンクエスト8 妖怪ウォッチバスターズ ポケモン超不思議のダンジョン
3DS 真・女神転生4ファイナル 妖怪三国志 パズドラクロス ドラゴンボールフュージョンズ
3DS ドラゴンクエスト11 アライアンス・アライブ ラジアントヒストリア エバーオアシス