Game BoyAdvance Action
21th March 2001 Nintendo
Amazon review24ratings☆3.7
「This game contains arranged transplants of "Super Mario USA (Yume Factory Doki Doki Panic)" and "Mario Bros." that were released on the Famicom in the past.」「As a remake of Super Mario USA, it is very fun to defeat enemies with various action, such as grabbing and throwing enemies,pulling out vegetables and using them as weapos.」
21th March 2001 spike
Amazon review 3ratings☆2.7
「Wrestler and technique prepared in this game are extraordinary! Dream match will wanted for pro wrestling fan can almost reproducible.」「The screen is too small to see.」
21th March 2001 Hudson
Amazon review 2ratings☆1.8
「Typical side-scrolling action. Various features are incorporated, but none are halfway」「Monotonous with only the same stages.」
27th April 2001 EPOCH
Amazon review 1ratings☆4
「You can play like RPG.The difficulty is that you will die with a single attack except for the boss.」
25th May 2001 CAPCOM
Amazon review18ratings☆4.6
「It is exactly a content of complete transplant + α. In the SNES version, Guy and the 4th stage were removed, and it was a half-finished port that cannot be said to be a complete port. In the GBA version, All are recorded taking advantage of the large capacity of the hardware.」「This is content that can be said to be the origin of action games, but once you get into it, you can't stop..」
13th July 2001 CAPCOM
Amazon review13ratings☆4.8
「I have the PS2 version of Hyper Street Fighter 2, but the GBA original stages, KO wins, and super combos that are not there are very cool」「Especially the simple command mode is just splendid! One of the unique way to enjoy this work is to use it to perform consecutive moves that are unthinkable in the normal "Spa2X".」
21th August 2001 Nintendo
Amazon review17ratings☆4.4
「Each stage has a very uniuqe structure, and it's fun to play again and again.」「It is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the highest peak of action that can be played on portable game machine.」「Each stages are very fun to be get rich variety.」
30th August 2001 Konami
Amazon review1ratings☆4
「 The system of inducing other dinosaurs to shoot flares and detonate them with nearby combustible drums is interesting. There was a lot of variety in the stages, and personally the bike stage was my favorite. The difficulty level is quite high, but if you are a child who loves dinosaurs, I think it is a difficulty level that you can go to the end.」
1th November 2001 Konami
Collect the DNA capsules in the stage. Dinosaurs are revived by combining the collected DNA in the manner of shooting game.
Famituu review*1 6,6,6,7「The terrain is difficult to understand but the stages with abundant action changes are authentic.」「Operating is bad, protagonist is poor. Puzzle can be quite addicting.」「Wepon hit detection is subtle. Puzzle is fun.」「Cinematic performance. Atmosphere is good. Action is too difficult to play.」
*1 Famitu is a game magazine that most popular in Japan at that time.
22th November 2001 Konami
Amazon review 2ratings☆2
「The map is exactly the same as Tokyo Disney Sea, and the atractions are arranged with the same name and contents. By playing this game, you can learn the background of the story of the sea and learn more about the charm of DisneySea.」
6th December 2001 broccoli
Amazon review5ratings☆2
「When the level goes up, I will learn special moves, but before I learn it, it is unsatisfactory.Furthermore, it is quite frustrating when the difficulty is quite high and the attack you finally hit is avoided. Conpared to today's games, it's very quiet and lonely.」「It's a monotonous game where you just play bay battle with the computer, so you get bored in a few minutes. No story.」
7th December 2001namco
Amazon review5ratings☆3.6
「You can play Galaxian, Dig Dug, Miss Pac-Man, Pole Position and Galaga. The good thing is that it fits well on the landscape screen..」「I think it's fatal not to be able to save the high score even thoght it's a game in the age of competing for high scores.」
14th December 2001 Nintendo
Amazon review32ratings☆4.5
「Conpare to the orijinal Super Famicom version, the sound quality is slightly degraded, which is the fate of handheld gameconsoles, but the graphics are almost the same as the original. The remaining number of Mario is also saved, so it's very easy to play. It is a recommended game without complaint. Mario Brothers well....that's a bonus(laughs)」
20th December 2001 Konami
Amazon review 件☆
「Sinse the number of techniques is small, there is neither guadiness nor a sense of urgency. However, the story mode feels like a training simulation, which is good.」「When character fight and win under various conditions, their special moves increase. Be come stronger for it。 I haven't expirienced this kind of excitement lately, so it's been a long time since I've been hot!I 」
20th December 2001 SEGA
Amazon review4ratings☆3.3
「You can really feel the speed. The screen is beautiful. Even a child advance hard.(easy?) It's not a game that takes time and effort, so it's useful because you can quickly play it in your spare time or when you're waiting outside.」「Players can experience a tremendous senso of speed. It's so fast that the player can't keep up with the speed.」
21th December 2001 namco
Amazon review 7rating☆4.1
「Although there are many parts that have deteriorated from the PS2 version and the AC version, the GBA has succeeded in reproducing the atmosphere or Tekken itself. Because it is 2D, the movement is a little awkward, but it doesn't bother me that much once I get into the game.」「The character is rough and gives impression that it is a little sluggish, but it responds to the player's quickly requests regarding command input.」
21th December 2001 UBI-Soft
Famitoo review 7,8,8,7「Orthodox action. Donald's movements are also abundant. Difficulty is not too high.」「I was amazed by the beauty of the graphics.」「I want to try again and again.」「Appearance positions of enemy and item are elaborated.」