January 26th 1990 Nintendo
Amazon review7cases 3.3star
「Total 6stages. There are Boss in the each stage. The bosses are hard to attack from around the fourth stage.」「Simple is best.」「The option feature is not in this game, it can't change difficulty and number of remaining aircraft. This was very hard...」
February 23th 1990 Konami
Amazon review7cases 4star
「The Sequel of Gradius series of Konamis major works. You can set which stage you start or difficulty before start and I recommend shooting beginner as it can increase remaining aircraft.」「BGM is excellence, it is actually great thing to show individual of the music with pico pico sound.」
March 30th 1990 Taito
Amazon review 2cases 4.2star
「For a little relaxation. This simplicity is charm of invader...」
April 27th 1990 Meldac
Amazon review 5cases 3.8star
「Difficulty is high and all is money, so that running out of money is the end.」「 Difficulty is quite high, The difficulty level is quite high, but if only one person goes, it becomes very easy.」
June 8th 1990 Atlath
Amazon review 2cases 4star
「It included an omnidirectional tank game, cave 3D game, vertical scroll game. All good and great games.」
June 15th 1990 Tomy
Amazon review 3cases 2.7star
「First,you can choose between a republic and an empire. Because of the large hit points of the ship, even a small hit against an obstacle will reduce the number of lives. The kind of enemy's character are few, the biggest enemy is intricate terrain and volcanoes.」「It is the side scrolling shooting game.
Well, it is Game Boy, so that's what it is.」
June 27th 1990 Taito
Amazon reveiw 1case 4star
「ステージは4つしか選べませんが、個性はたっぷりですので楽しめると思います。」「難易度的にもツインビーのアーケード版やファミコン版のものと比べても多少緩くなっていて遊びやすいです。 」